Should I use Audiopoints under Aerial 10T spikes on hardwood floor?

Hi, I have a pair of Aerial 10T speakers placed on a hardwood floor. I am considering using factory spikes to improve bass clarity, but I’m worried about damaging my floor. Should I get Audiopoints?  Which material and size? Or something else?  Or would that defeat the purpose of the spikes?  
Thank you!


Most speakers come with factory spikes and metal disks to put under them if you have wood floors. I have never actually used the disks, but I would not think there will be a really small difference. If you want the most performance consider Townshend seismic platforms… these will have a major impact… far beyond spikes and protect your floor.

I owned the 10T's a few years back. Great speaker! I had the Sound Anchors stands specifically made for Aerial 10T, with their spikes and Cone Coasters. Highly recommended.