Why does Audiogon need my phone number to send private messages

What’s up with this, I’m not fond of the new Audiogon.


@paulcreed Said:

Anytime I log in they have to send me a text, how do I get my phone number off there list. Does that mean I can’t post anything without a text by.audiogon

You don’t need to remove your phone number.

Go to your Edit Account page.

Turn off, Enable SMS 2FAF

That will stop the texts to your your phone.

If this shows up after Log In, when you try to look at a member's info just X out, upper right hand corner of message.


I've never got a text from Agon just an occasional email when I log in on a different device, usually when traveling.

The only asked for my number to validate me if I was trying to purchase something, not to message anyone.

@jcarcopo ....Well, thanks for disclosure we'd perhaps remain clueless about...
'Roon porn'....?  One can wonder about the 'staging' of such.....

AG may have my cell number, but hasn't yet or ever used it in any fashion.  An email advising I've 'gone rogue' in some fashion is rare in itself, and I've no plan nor intent to 'pump up the volume' on being wayward beyond what I 'do' anyhow....

Doomed to 'postbored'.....*mock yawn*