What's the best bang for my bucks on RP6 upgrade?

My Dynavector 20X2L lost its stylus due to a rogue cleaning person, and I’m crying because this is the second time it’s happened. I have upgraded my phono pre from Heed Quasar to PS Audio Stellar since I purchased this cartridge, so now have a more resolving set-up that might reward an upgrade. The RP6 is 9 years old and in great shape.

Relevant system details: Line Magnetic 518IA, Merlin Monitors, Auditorium 23 cables

Now need to decide how to spend my money:

1. Get a used ____________ cartridge (suggestions please) for under $1250 to cut my losses and in case my cleaning people destroy this one too.

2. Just get a replacement 20X2L. I know I like it. I think I’d get a bit of a discount since I already have the cartridge-- dyna may offer an upgrade/retip option? $1000-$1250

2. Upgrade Cartridge. Dealer suggests Hana Umami Blue and I’m pretty committed to buying from them. Would this cartridge be overkill on an RP6?


3. Get a new P8 with Ania Pro for $4150, sell the RP6 for $1129 (current agon ad), net cost $3020.

4. Get a used _________ with _____________ cart (suggestions please) for $____________, sell the RP6 for $1129, net cost $_____________.

Thanks in advance.




You’re asking us to answer the upgrade question only you can answer.  Yes, you can get a sonic uptick “for a price”, whether this uptick is worth the price only you can answer- we each have unique budgets and commitment to this hobby.

If upgrade, not sure if you want to stick with Rega or look to other options. 

I'd consider a cartridge with a stylus guard, and preferably one that does not risk causing damage when fitted and removed. Only one of my four cartridges that are in regular use has a stylus guard, and it (a SoundSmith) is difficult to use, and so I don't use it. But I have neither small children, cats or a cleaner any more, so it's pretty safe.

I can say that an MP-500 punches well above it's weight, costs less than $1250, and has an easily-applied stylus guard.

If I were you, I would try the Umami Blue.

If you go P8, I would suggest you move up from the Stellar. As your system goes now, it’s pretty good. Bottleneck is probably the cart.

Dear @dkidknow:  " Would this cartridge be overkill on an RP6? ""


Why should be that way with the Blue? , the RB330 tonearmis just decent item, of course that Rega or other manufacturers have better tonearms.


I think that in any way you can be " safe " with the RB330/Umami Blue. You and no one but you can know it when you experienced down there in your system.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


I am a source 1st kind of guy I do have a Rega rp6 with exact and I have the Rega p8 with get this their cheapie carbon cart. I prefer the P8 combo, sure I can make it better with a better cart, but have to tell you that combo kicks some you know what.