An audio component you just can't let go

What is a component you just can't seem to let go or sell even after you've already upgraded and not really using it anymore. What makes this component so special?


Koetsu Corralstone - maybe the best “musical” cartridge which is now unobtainable

@yesiam_a_pirate +1

Oh yes, the ARC VT130.  I had this for a few years 1997-2000 or so if I recall.  This amp with the LS5 III and Magnepan 3.3 / 3.5 speakers was absolute magic.  Romantic is an understatement.  Hunted for a pair of VT150s for a few years with no success and then moved on to other amps.  But the VT130 was special.  I did have a couple events of tube failure which blew the ceramic power resistor with a loud bang and puff of smoke.  Waited overnight, soldered in a new resistor, replaced the tube, set the bias and I was back to smiling. I would love to hear one of these in my system today.

Still have my 3D Acoustic Satellites from 1979.  They are the front L/R in my theatre system with 5 B&W (center, back, and surround) and a Vandersteen 2W sub.  Rebuilt them once and they are great for this system.

Also, my Acoustat 1+1 monoliths that I acquired in the late 80's.  I am the third owner and they have been rebuilt twice (once by the 2nd owner and again by me a few years ago).  I have built my primary system around.  Even my wife likes them.

Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS Preamp...

I've had it close to 30 years.

Fell in love with the sound and never looked back!

Started with a Marantz 2285, then C-J PV10B, then C-J Premier 17LS..

Tascam DA-3000. This unit can record 24-192hz or DSD from Quboz or whatever sources.

The only problem is Tascam is a terrible company. Its service is really terrible. Instead of fixing mine under warranty, after 8 months in their possession I ended up having them send it back unrepaired. Terrible, terrible, terrible service, rude etc. They actually bragged about them having units for over 2 years unrepaired!

I ended up buying another unit used elsewhere.
