how long can you leave a CDP on 'pause'?

I suppose if I had a clear-top loading player I could see if it's spinning while paused... but I don't.
My CDP has an indefinite pause. It happens everytime I hit the stop button.

Seriously, it is easy enough to scroll through a CD and get to any place you want quickly that lengthy pausing (more that a minute or two) is silly.
my CDP (SCD-1) has a very slow fast forward; if I'm listening to a long piece without 'chapters'

I'm listening to a long piece without 'chapters'

Example of, please...... CD/s?
You could copy your CD/s on CD-Rs and lay down your own chapters (tracks) for easy reference.
An example:

Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals on Decca

The main piece is played in 14 distinct sections but it is recorded as one track. About 20-25 minutes.

The disc stopping really is a nice feature, in case the phone rings or I get called to dinner and don't get back to listening.

Not sure if you can burn your CDs on a computer and insert tracks (markers) without any interruptions in the music, but you can with a stand alone CDR recorder.