Speaker cables with good timbre

As the title says, i would like to hear recommendations on a pair of speaker cables, copper, that have a very good midrange, imaging and truth of timbre or faithful reproduction of instrument sound. As i get older i started to realize i value those characteristics the most when i listen to recorded music. Thank you in advance.


Audience AU24SX or FrontRow. They have a natural tone, are highly resolving but never bright. I tried many speaker cables and the FrontRow are by far the best I ever heard.

I have 2 sets of these, and I concur. My Magnepan Mini (and LRS+) did not seem to benefit as much as all other speakers with the FrontRow.

I did a comparison with the AU24SX and the FrontRow speaker cables. If your system is very resolving then you can hear some harshness with the AU24SX, nothing bad on the FrontRow.

I use a 10 AWG speaker cable from Blue Jean Cables for the Magnepan Mini. One set of my FrontRow speaker cables sit idle for now.

I was at the same point quite a few years ago ... looking for speaker cables with great timbre. Auditioned a number of brands over about a 3-month period. Installed Gregg Straley Reality speaker cables, got off the merry-go-round, and never looked back. Note: they're still in business but have not updated website in quite a few years (says "Not Secure"). YMMV

Happy Listening!

i would buy and make your own the GR research cable kits superior performance yet low cost ( a pair of 4' are i believe less than $100! ) 
they will surpass most all others 

I’ve used cables from Blue Jeans and SVS and Audioquest (because it was a great one-time deal). Recently purchased my first cable from Pine Tree Audio in Fitchburg, MA. Locally Well made with a lot of choices including color, which is fun, and reasonably priced. Check out their rainbow ribbons. Very cool.

IMHO , I was cabled all with Audience Front Row with my system.Not a bad cable but too bright for my hearing and too forward. It was fatiguing for me and after lots of research and trial and errors I understood that it’s all about synergy with components and cables and the type of music you listen too. My music preferences changed throughout the years and having a little bit more time since I’m semi retired, I realized I fell in love with Jazz, smooth Jazz, female and male voices and some well recorded classics and some classical. So my final choice with my cables were the Luna Rouge cables, sounding so pure and organic , on the warm side with no added colour,just very organic.My system is Shindo components,Weiss 501 Mk2 DAC ,Aqua LinQ transportor , Fleetwood Deville SQ  speakers singing along with 2 Rel S510 subs all with Luna Red cables. The Synergy is magical, I feel the sparkle in every song. I have a few well known and reputable friends in the industry whom I invited over and everyone really enjoyed the musical synergy they heard.It is very important that your ears should be priority to your hearing choices and not get too involved with all the advertising propaganda cable companies make. Listen well and trust your judgement.