Tonearm Mfg's mistake

I just bought a 3 year old Dr Feikert Volare turntable with a Kuzma Stogi S Arm.

I had to go online to find a protractor to set up my cartridge. The one I found was a Kuzma branded protractor for 3 of the 9" arms they make. Including the Stogi S.

Why would they not include the 12" diameter protractor with every sale.  The arm lists for about $1880 US. At that price just give us the protractor and not force me to find a new one on Ebay UK ,  Now what how many weeks for shipping?? 

I think it is a missed opportunity for the tonearm manufacturers. 


Break down and buy the Feickert protractor, and you’ll never need another. It provides for all 9 and 12-inch tonearms.

I have something on order now for the Stogi Arm I have.  It could take a few weeks to get here though.  Coming from the UK. 

The Feickert protractor costs about $300 and will work for you for the rest of your overhung pivoted tonearm life, no matter what tonearm you may ever use. (And you can probably have one within a day or two from now, shipped within the US from any of several vendors.) How much are you paying for the Stogi-specific protractor? Do the math coupled with your own expectations for vinyl over the coming years. It doesn't make sense, if you have long term interest in vinyl, to pile up a bunch of protractors each specific for only one tonearm.