My worst experience was lending a local audio club member a pair of beautiful Cary Audio V12R
@rooze , That was a lot of EL34s there! Was that then rated as putting out twice the wpc of the conventional V12?
owned at least 7 Cary amps/preamps, never had an issue (still have the PH 302 mk II phono pre which is outstanding - sent products back for upgrades, not repairs, and have always received excellent service
@markmendenhall , in the days of Dennis Had, I used to rave about CAD's tech support and customer service. In the post Dennis days I feel that has gone down hill. However, I still cannot complain about reliability. I did have a coupling cap go out on my V12 (stereo version) which was 20 years old at the time, and I can accept that failure (especially as it was probably my fault), but the help I got from tech support was worthless (they quoted me their shop rate and told me to request an RMA and ship it to them) but a kind gentleman on another audio forum helped me troubleshoot it via emails. I pretty much swore off buying another Cary product because of that, but then I saw a SLP 05 going for a decent price in their preowned section; I had always wanted one, so I upgraded my venerable but modded SLP 90 (which was another Cary product that never gave me any problems). Anyway, the SLP 05 sounds fantastic and so far no problems.