Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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Audioman, have you tried 24/96 streaming via the CD-5s? If you're saying that ripping a cd to a computer hard drive, then passing the signal (with no additional information) then sending it back to a transport sounds better in every way, that strikes me as counter intuitive. I do agree high rez music sounds superior to lower resolution music, but you can also buy a range of high res music on cd from different labels including Chesky, Decca & Blue Note, and in different formats like XRCD, K2HD, HDCD & DXD. They said record players were dead, well look at vinyl now. I'm not tossing my cdp, and in fact plan to upgrade next year!
I like the fact that all I have to do is open the transport drawer and place a cd in and push play, no fussing with backups, files, laptops or downloads.
01-26-12: Wig
I like the fact that all I have to do is open the transport drawer and place a cd in and push play, no fussing with backups, files, laptops or downloads.
...and downloads don't come with luxury packaging, booklets, post cards etc. I've also never had a cd become unstable and crash :D
I have used a Weiss INT202 and a Wavelink HS to get SPDIF to the Ayon CD5S.

Been using PureMusic and am trying Amarra next ;)
At the end of the day, vinyl destroys sacd, downloads and every other digital format. I find downloads pretty souless for the reasons already mentioned. Groups springing up to discuss how many 'bits' their dacs are processing only goes to show how true musicality and soul is taking a back seat.