Going from an extremely optimized usb chain to I2S via Gaia was a profound change for the better. I2S has a number of inherent advantages vs. usb and those advantages should become manifest with the proper I2S setup.
I'd suggest at least the Hermes, I believe the OXCO clock in the Gaia is largely responsible for the much greater analog like presentation vs what I was getting with usb. I had tried various improved clocking schemes with usb, none provided what I'm hearing with the Gaia via I2S. Point is getting a ddc with a better clock than I2S clock within dac means one syncs/slaves to the higher quality ddc clock. Going in this direction one gets the benefit of inherently better I2S chain, to this add improved clocking. I previously owned Singxer SU6 which was just ok, Gaia is a game changer. assuming one has a system and streaming chain capable of exposing these advantages.
As for the direct impacts Gaia/I2S/Tubulus Ximius I2S cable made in my setup vs usb. Greater resolution, transparency and as mentioned previously the more analog like presentation. As mentioned previously, I2S has been a profound change for me, went from very high quality digital presentation to something akin to my pretty nice vinyl setup, music flows much like the vinyl setup along with superior resolution/transparency. I can't say enough about how I2S has been a game changer for me.