@audphile1 I guess you don't like the R26? I think it has some remarkable qualities. Musical and dynamic (the two R26's I have now even though one is much brighter and one has a sibilance problem which may resolve with burn-in).
The guy who does custom equipment and mods for me is Igor Kuznetsoff of the New Jersey audiophile society. He does a lot of different stuff. I love his sound signature. Very dynamic, incredibly detailed microdynamics, very musically expressive with all the details contributing to the music, not "analytical."
I have power conditioning from him and power cords. I have vibration isolation from him. Other cabling by him. This all sets up the ideal conditions for the R26 to shine with his sound signature. That's the stock R26. It will be enormously improved with his mods. I'm going to get a simple version - will cost around $500 for the mod. The result will probably be something one can't get in a stock DAC for less than $6000. Just throwing a number out there, it all depends on one's taste and preferred signature. I didn't like the PS Audio DirectStream DAC Mk. 1.