DH Labs

Hi Just curious if anyone here has compared DH Labs cables to Nordost like in the Frey and Tyre lines , and how they liked or didn't like them. Thanks 




If you can make your own I really like the OEM pure silver cables from Parts Connexion.  Otherwise I use Mogami in assemblies by World's Best. 

What both share is completely not there.  No colorations or loss of any kind.  Sorry I haven't heard Nordost in forever.

I’ve not heard DH Labs signal or power cords in a while. I did have their AES/EBU, SPDIF Coax and USB digital cables. I thought they were excellent value.
I use Nordost Heimdall 2 power cords on streamer and Frey 2 power cords on DAC and integrated amp. DAC drives the amp via Nordost Tyr 2 XLRs in my system. Well balanced cables with natural tone that don’t emphasize any particular frequency. Very transparent. I have compared these cables to similarly priced Kimber, Audioquest, Acoustic Zen, Analysis Plus and several others.
Now what does this tell you? Just that I like them in my system in my room. How these will compare to DH Labs only you can tell when you do the A/B testing in your system. That’s the only way to find out.

DH Labs is having their 20% off sale until Saturday (excludes D-110 Silver Reference and only applies to orders over $100.00). They have a return policy as well.

Like mentioned, you won't know until you try.

All the best,