Any regrets in selling gear?

By its nature, our hobby/passion for gear encourages buying and selling gear, hoping to land on a final purchase, that point of satisfaction where you can sit back and just enjoy the music without any niggling issues about there mechanics of it all.

That said, is there any gear that you came to regret selling? 


Regrets: Selling a pair of Sony SS-M9 and some Levinson amps

Close Runner up: My first "hifi" speaker...the great Pioneer HPM-150. It was in great shape too when i sold it. If i still had it, i would have attempted the GR mod and brought it up to speed a bit.



Audionics BA-150 Self Biasing Tube Amp with selectable feedback settings.  It was a marvelous listen.

well I guess I must be the first one on here not to have any regrets selling past gear because I've always upgraded to something better and I've gotten fair prices on my used gear so no regrets for me.