Question on Speaker Placement

Based on the shape and content of my listening room, I have one speaker with a back wall directly behind it ( roughly 2') while the other speaker is backed by the open entrance into another room. What are the sonic implications of this arrangement? I'm limited in my ability to test alternative positions, although by widening the distance between the speaker by about 2', I can back the 2nd speaker with a wall. This would be about a 13 ' distance between the speakers. The speakers are PSB Imagine X2T. Hope this makes sense and thanks.


How does it sound to you?

I make no claims of expertise on this subject, but I would certainly THINK that one speaker would sound louder than the other (and I would THINK that would be the one with a wall behind it) and thus I would think that the sonic presentation, sound stage if you will,  would be unbalanced.  


First try aiming the speaker with the "open background" more directly towards the listening position (than the other speaker).

If this sounds better then experiment with the various/slight angles.

Then try the 13' spacing.



’What are the sonic implications of this arrangement?’

Impossible to give you some valuable advise, as I am not in the room to listen and hear. And I do not see the room.

What tells the room to your ears/brain when listening to music? What are the actual room reflexions doing to the sound? Are you happy whith the sound quality? If not, you might want to read/listen to the follwing. For me, tutorial no 1 was very, very helpful (@maxwave +1 👍)

This one goes very deep into the matter

Dennis Foley from Acoustic fields has as well very good tutorials regarding speaker placement which helped me a lot. For example this ones

There are a lot more tutorials from Dennis. For me, it was worth to invest some time.
