Congratulations on retiring, and on having a great system. I have been retired for about five years now and my system brings great joy to me. I first upgraded prior to retirement and then again about a year after. My progress in the last decade or so have been to move to more musical and natural sounding systems. You can see my systems under my userID
The largest influence for me was having season tickets to the symphony for ten years 7th row center. I became aware of how my system focused on detail and slam and the presentation was not like that of real live music. All of this pushed me more and more towards all tubed components and Sonus Faber speakers.
Now that you have the time, consider going into the city for a day or two. Make appointment to hear systems at high end stores... explain what you have explained here. Have them assemble a system for you to listen to that they think you will find appealing. Maybe visit some audio-goners. Being retired, no reason not to travel. Hearing the kind of thing you want will help point you in the right direction.