Marantz SA10 sacd player

I love this  player , after 3 yrs and 2 months I purchase it. It doesn’t read single layer sacd. It’s out of waaranty.So United Radio marantz authorize won’t repair it. Is this a common issue on this expensive sacd player?


Thanks for getting back to me on this, @sharri ,

so is that way you interpret what I quoted from the SA10 model?  To invert the phase on the SA10 unless connected to a preamp that is utilizing the "European system"?

Just a quick follow up:  another member ( @stereo-one ) on another thread did the research that I should have been able to do on my own (except that I wasn't thorough enough) and my preamp (Cary SLP 05) is indeed wired with pin 2 hot (of the balanced connections) so therefore it is wired the same as the SA10 (the European system" of balanced connection) and therefore I was incorrect in my thinking that to have the phase correct from my CDP to my pre I should have the phase selector on the CDP set to "inverted."  I have switched it back to "normal."