It is December 1, 2024 - Do you know where your Caladans are????

Anyone received their Clayton Shaw Caladans lately?   Speaker baffle supply was suppose to be in good shape starting sometime in November.

Coming up on 1 year since I placed an order for walnut Caladans.


A YEAR wait for a pair of $3500 speakers?

I understand supply chain back-logs, but that’s unacceptably poor.

I also understand they’re pretty good speakers, but come on, now....lots of speakers are "pretty good".

I just hope you haven’t built them up in your mind to be something they’re not and end up being disappointed in them. That would suck bad.

No offense, but that’s insane. I would have cancelled my order 9 months ago.





I like Clayton and his speakers but putting money out and waiting so long is a little nuts. Plenty of fish in the sea.

Hasn't Clayton provided a status update on the issue?  While parts are either available or not, providing periodic updates to your customers seems a basic "business 101" item.

$3500 speakers and you've waited over 1 yr! Maybe for 50 -75k speakers I'd wait that long but $3500? Call and request/demand your funds be returned. Not worth the anxiety IMHO


"Hasn't Clayton provided a status update on the issue?"

Last update I saw was a month ago from Clayton on his forum that nobody can join and nobody other than Clayton posts in anymore.