It is December 1, 2024 - Do you know where your Caladans are????

Anyone received their Clayton Shaw Caladans lately?   Speaker baffle supply was suppose to be in good shape starting sometime in November.

Coming up on 1 year since I placed an order for walnut Caladans.


I like Clayton and his speakers but putting money out and waiting so long is a little nuts. Plenty of fish in the sea.

Hasn't Clayton provided a status update on the issue?  While parts are either available or not, providing periodic updates to your customers seems a basic "business 101" item.

$3500 speakers and you've waited over 1 yr! Maybe for 50 -75k speakers I'd wait that long but $3500? Call and request/demand your funds be returned. Not worth the anxiety IMHO


"Hasn't Clayton provided a status update on the issue?"

Last update I saw was a month ago from Clayton on his forum that nobody can join and nobody other than Clayton posts in anymore.