Should I add a DDC?

Hi all,

I currently have an Eversolo DMP A6 Master streamer connected to a DENAFRIPS Pontus II 12th via USB. Would adding a DENAFRIPS Iris make an improvement? And if so, how would I add that to the mix, and what cable(s) would I need?


Thanks All…


I don’t know about streaming the test tones.  The link I posted earlier will download a zip file so likely you will need a computer hooked up to your ddc to play them.  If you have a Mac then it’s easy just connect your Mac via USB.  If you have a windows machine you’ll need the USB driver for the Denafrips but you can get that from the Denafrips website.  This link I believe is what you need for the windows drivers

One caveat that I am just learning about is i2s incompatibility. Make sure that your DDC's i2s is compatible with the DAC's i2s when you have different brands. One good thing about the Hermes is the ability to adjust the hdmi setting.   

Thanks @dz13 as both are DENAFRIPS they are compatible. Just have to find the right combo. That’s the only thing I’m concerned about. But there is a video from Alvin at Vinshine and he sent it to me detailing how to find the right combo.


@jastralfu Thank you. Ya I have never had my pc/laptop connected to my system. That’s why I was hoping the test tones wouldn’t be necessary…