No Private Messages for Me

Audiogon requires a credit card to send private messages now.  I don't want to put my card on their server to be hacked.  

I have a couple of private messages sitting there now.  Just posting this here so you realize that I won't be replying to your PM, not becasuse I don't want to, but because I can't.  I'm sure there are others in the same boat.


Enjoy the listening,



It's refreshing to see a minimalist approach to the interior Xmas tree, @dekay ...

Anything outside still up?  *snark grin*  One could swap out the floodlights for strings of those thin LEDs' in the continuous tubing....underside inside of the eve drip edges that would only illume cabalistic symbiology's that'd make a gift-grabber thief think 2X before breaking.....

...sidewalk sign:

"All visitors will be entered in the rear.  No exceptions."

..with no existing rear doorway...

'😑' To quote the late Mr. Rogers....."Can I be your neighbor?"


Hey....if we can't PM....and 'transparency' is about to disappear Elsewhere....

I've decided after recent typing transacts with our dedicated Tolerator Tammy that we have and can upfront set a time & place to PM elsewhere to bs and trade asides over whatever might raises hairs 'n hackles Here.
Argue the details elsewhere, but be adult enough to give the 'Gon it's due and provide a Fair Witness to the deal and the details of the 2 parties.
Overseas stuff may prove more a sticky wicket, perhaps an 'assurance insurance' of an enforceable sort...

'K, I'm boring self already....  

...and I just got a postpulled email.....

Memo noted.... ;)


You can't reply through the forum, just through your personal email. Works every time 

Are they charging for each private message on your credit card?

It’s human nature to make everything increasingly more difficult. I remember when windows was a lot easier to deal with, Excel was easier to deal with before they contaminated it with every feature under the sun.

I remember when flying was more comfortable before they decided to cram as many people as possible in a tube.  

The simplicity of frying an egg has not changed. I’m sure they’ll find a way to screw that up too eventually.