Help with the move to digital server

I have a lovely system (Krell, BAT Rex, Revel Ultima 2, Esoteric X01-D2, Purist Audio, Siltech), but I want to add an i-pod or a server into the mix so that I can play long shuffled selections of music for casual listening and entertaining at home. Is it for my wife? You bet it is.

Should I get the Wadia i170 and a couple of 160 Gig ipods (1 for jazz, 1 for Pop/Rock)? Or is there a better way? A server that would integrate into the system and play thru my Esoteric with its 3 DACs?

I am grateful for your help. I am open to any suggestions.
You do not have to get separate iPods for different music styles- you con sort by genre or make playlist of virtually any kind. If your set up has a digital input and your computer has a digital out your all set. Well, I guess you'll need a coax or a toslink too. Or you can stream using a myriad of products, apple airport to name one. Just download iTunes or media monkey or J-River or whatever you want for software and you'll be set. And amazed. Lots of info here on the PC Audio section of discussions.
I think anyone looking to move into the digital audio streaming game should at least look into the PS Audio PWD/Network Bridge/Digital Lens/iPod Touch control app.
there are many options, sort of confusing when you really start to digest it all! much depends on your level of comfort with computers and related gear. i have found that the easiest starting point are the logitech line of squeezebox products. they are near plug and play and can give you sound that will top spinning discs (depending on how you use them, related gear and such). given the rest of your stuff, i would get a transporter and a good digital cable. do you have a network with storage in your home? that will determine the next step...
I'm at a loss as to why anyone would buy an iPod for a home music server system if given a choice?! The mean time before failure of an iPod drive comes a whole lot sooner than a good, full-sized external storage device with good venting/cooling. I'd recommend going with a MacMini and an external hard drive with a backup of same, as opposed to iPods and Wadia. From there there are many good choices. I use a Modwright Transporter and love it.