Do you have a perfect digital marriage?

Please share with others if you have a perfect digital marriage. 

Do you have a streamer (brand and Model) that you have paired with a DAC (brand and model) that has created a blissful marriage creating the best harmony you have heard?

What are the aspects of the sound you really like?

For example  HiFi Rose RX RS130 streamer fed by fiber optic ethernet connected I2S to Denafrips Pontus II, 12th Anniversary DAC.

Organic, clean, musical, great separation of instruments, dynamic

How's you marriage going?

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Great discussion. Very informative.some us us live in the desert of audio arena and don't get to listen to this.great to have first hand experience not biased by sales people.enjoy the music

I’ve found the perfect marriage solution by getting a divorce from all things digital over a decade ago.

Life is blissful with my bachelor’s all analog system. 

I have gone from all separates (McIntosh and Bluesound) to a one piece system.  A Linn MSDM and I find the sound much better.  But bear in mind I am in my late 70's so my hearing is not as good as younger people.