What timing smear? Is it correcting something that happened in the recording studio? Phase issues with the mic. and other processing done during the recording? That’s where the low hanging fruit would be. Orders of magnitude more time smear than anything happening electronically during playback - at least until your speaker and its crossover network get ahold of the signal. At that point, unless you’re fully active with FIR filters phase correcting the drivers, it’s time smear O-Rama! Better have your ears at just the right height for all the drivers to time align, or have a head tracker that adjusts the timing of the drivers as you move. Even with all that working as best it can, you'll still have vastly more time smear occurring in the speaker trying to get the sound to your ears than with the digital cables will cause. And the room, if it's not anechoic, is going to blow all of that out of the water. But we'll assume that it's only first arrival to the ear that counts for now.
With all that said, I'm not claiming the cables can't sound good. I just need further clarification on why time smear would normally be an issue, and what evidence is there for that as a typical cable issue.