Lumin U2 or Aurender N200

Looking for thoughts on these two streamers: Lumin U2 and Aurender N200.

I’m fully aware of the limitations and features from UI and Roon integration to design concepts and implementation (power supplies, caching, display, etc.)

Hoping to hear from those who had compared these two streamers. I’m also absolutely not interested in hearing from “it’s all 1s and 0s” crowd - this isn’t that forum and I kindly ask you to please stay out of this discussion.

Thanks and Happy Holidays to you all!!!



Will be trying Nordost Tyr 2 soon. I can report back.

Thanks. Looking forward to hearing your impressions.


@lalitk one annoying aspect of streamers, Aurender included, is that the artwork for most of the music library isn’t being displayed. This is despite the fact that the jpg images are located in the correct folders. So the metadata is neither being read from the drive nor pulled from the internet sites. I guess that’s why ACS100 exists.
Roon has no such problems.


I hear you…had the same issue with BS Vault. The ACS Manager app is much more robust and gives you many options to pulled down artwork in your choice of resolution. I have over 900 albums on ACS…every single one of them has artwork and metadata. 

It’s a personal choice but I take a little bit of pride in curating my content so all of my albums have high resolution artwork since space is not an issue for me. 

As far as ROON goes, it will display an artwork of album being played. 

@ketchup . thanks for the clearing this point up, much I could read the pulling of files across the network was not described very well.

The difference between the Lumin and Aurender, is the Aurender can pull music files across the network, whereas the Lumin requires a server software to push to the endpoint. I can see advantages for both systems, the aurender has the simplicity of username, password, and processes the metadata and the file locally.

The Lumin handshakes with the server to decode metadata, change sampling rate to match the file and away it goes. The Lumin provides flexible choice of server (Audirvana, minim server, Jriver for a start), uPNP and Open Home protocols, Aurender has the Conductor software, that's about it. IF Conductor is not to your liking, there's the rock or the hard place.