@immatthewj having delt with both of these characters on amps, different tubes, options, I’ll say you are a bit on your own until you partner with a great local tech who can open up these amps and tell you what’s really going on inside of them.
@decooney , well, okay, but you did tell me that the only tube you wound up using were the Chinese Ruby branded EL34s, right? At the time I needed to retube that amp, Jim had a bunch of tubes listed in his inventory, including the GLs, which was part of the reason I contacted him for that retubing. (The last I read he said he was retiring and prior to that wasn't going to sell any tubes made in Russia anymore.) I was quite happy with those re-issued Tung Sols, and I will say that he gave me what seemed to be better personalized service than any other tube seller I've bought from (with the possible exception some NOS small tubes from of Andy from Michigan). Jim would send me an email every day or so telling me how the matching process was going, and as I recall, it took a few days or maybe even a week until he emailed me telling me he had two matched sex-tets ready to ship. A couple of years prior to that I had bought a dozen reissued Mullard EL34s from Viva, and it was wham, bam, thank you ma-am, and I had them, but they didn't run long at all (about two years) before the bias(es) started doing goofy things.
Anyway, as another aside question, did you ever experiment with running your V12 configured in anything but FULL triode or FULL ultralinear? I mean like 1/3 + 2/3s? I know that the owner's manual says only run FULL one way or the other, and after the amp arrived to me I talked to Kirk Owens about it, and he didn't sound too crazy about the idea. . . . I know that the Stereophile review said it was okay, but I always felt better about defaulting to what the manufacturer said than what Stereophile said. I think I remember that I may have tried it for a real real short time, but I do not remember how I felt about it, meaning it was nothing at all close to as dramatic as the Mesa Baron was.