Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)?

I'm looking to find a dedicated streamer, ideally <$2k. Here are the objectives: 

1. Must be Roon Ready

2. No internal DAC

3. USB, Optical or Digital Coax input

4. Great quality to feed an outboard DAC. 

The idea here is to hopefully avoid paying for an internal DAC and just by a stable streamer, giving the manufacturer the ability to dump all the parts and labor costs into the streaming side only. In other words, why pay for an internal DAC I won't use.  



Thank you All!  Great suggestions for research. 

I like hearing that I can get great quality without spending $5k.  I have two DACs that I like here. My Marantz PMKI Ruby SACD/DAC and Linear Tube Audio Aero.  I don't want to give them up. 

I have on loan from a friend a Lumin T3.  It sounds amazing. I'm using its DAC now. Really nice all around. But, a couple things I don't like.  The Lumin has no power button, which makes it wonky to reboot the unit--odd for a $5k machine.  Also, for $5k the display looks like my Speak and Spell from 1982. For $5k? I get putting all the money into parts, etc. But you've got to be kidding me. 

@mdalton ,  very intriguing. I may buy a couple of these and see how they hold up against the expensive competition.  The Holo looks great but the wait time for it to be built is long!

Another vote for Innuos.  I have the Zen Mk3 that I bought from a great local dealer used for $1800.  The Innuos Sense app is the best interface I’ve used.  Excellent customer support with upgrades online as needed.  

another streamer discussion

@jbhiller  see link above to a recent discussion that touches on same topic.  I am a strong proponent that, putting aside processing differences (e.g., reclocking, up sampling/oversampling, dsp), the only differences across streamers - sonically - is differences in noise (and the science is really clear on this, btw).  Some DACs do a much better job than others at eliminating any or certain types of noise from sources (streamers).  But regardless of your DAC, there are a number of inexpensive streamers that do a great job of minimizing noise, hence the list in my previous post.  Bottom line:  there’s a lot of hype out there re streamers in part because this is the leading edge of the industry for a lot of consumers still, so there’s a lot of opportunity for high margin products for producers.  Good luck.

Add me to the auralic G2.1 camp. It’s a great streamer with a reasonably good native app. I opted for this over some other choices based on availability of WiFi as some others have noted.