Thank you All! Great suggestions for research.
I like hearing that I can get great quality without spending $5k. I have two DACs that I like here. My Marantz PMKI Ruby SACD/DAC and Linear Tube Audio Aero. I don't want to give them up.
I have on loan from a friend a Lumin T3. It sounds amazing. I'm using its DAC now. Really nice all around. But, a couple things I don't like. The Lumin has no power button, which makes it wonky to reboot the unit--odd for a $5k machine. Also, for $5k the display looks like my Speak and Spell from 1982. For $5k? I get putting all the money into parts, etc. But you've got to be kidding me.
@mdalton , very intriguing. I may buy a couple of these and see how they hold up against the expensive competition. The Holo looks great but the wait time for it to be built is long!