Server/DAC Newbie Question

I'm just dipping my toe into downloading and ama curious about how a DAC might fit into this. So far I've downloanded a couple of cds from iTunes, burned them onto cd and am playing those through my system. I was surprised that the sound was comparable to a factory cd (one of the downloads was of something I already own for comparrison purposes).

So, my question is, in order to run directly from my computer to my hi-fi, I gather that I would need some sort of DAC to convert the signal? Also, with something like the Bryston BDA-1, could I also run my Cambridge 840C through it and would there be any sonic benefit to doing so? Or would that just be redundant?
You needn't spend anything like the cost of the Bryson. There are many less expensive products available. Stereophile did several reviews recently of $300 DACs that would do the job quite well.
Certainly the Bryston is well reviewed, but reflecting on your current system I'd probably echo the same comment as the first response: there of plenty of excellent DACs for less money, and if you cannot hear the difference between iTunes downloads and a redbook CD then it is not worth the added investment for a very expensive DAC (diminishing returns factor in big time with DACs). Plenty of threads on reasonably priced DACs to search the archives. I'll give you a few names: MHDT, TADAC, PS Audio, Apogee, just to name a few. Presentation of each will vary so research your purchase based on listening preferences, music, etc. Yes, you can run your Cambridge 840C through whatever DAC you get as long as it has a digital output (RCA SPDIF or Toslink or BNC probably). Sonic benefits will depend entirely on the DAC you choose (whether or not is better to your ears than the Cambridge). It is certainly possible, but bigger sonic benefits are possible running full resolution, ripped files (NOT iTunes downloads) through a superior, jitter-reducing DAC solution....IMHO. All kinds of ways to run from computer to your hifi - the two popular interfaces via a DAC would be USB or Firewire, both of which need to be converted at or before the DAC. You can also provide the signal wirelessly with a WIFI interface like Sonos or Squeezebox, or another wireless server. That device will either use an internal DAC to provide an analog signal that your hifi can understand, or stream the digital signal that a DAC can convert. Plenty of other threads on this subject too. Search on "PC Audio" Good luck - it's a great way to store and listen to your music.
Some other very reasonably priced items are the vDAC from Music Fidelity and the HRT (two models, one at 99 dollars and the other at about 299). It sounds as if spending more will be a waste for your purposes based on what I know about your needs and uses.