From B&W 804 D3 to Focal Sopra 2?

I posted this on Reddit as well so apologies in advance to those who may have seen it.

 I have the Anthem STR Pre and Power amp. A dealer is selling a pair of Sopra 2s and he said my Anthem stack is very capable of running the Sopras.

I then read an ad from another seller and he said a lot of power is needed - dual mono (?) or better yet, mono blocks. I also watched a youTube short with that combination. Two people said the Anthem was “bottlenecking” the speakers - i.e. the potential of the Sopra 2 is constrained by the abilities of the Anthem.

Focal puts recommended power at 300 and my Anthem has 400 a side.
So I thought I’d ask thoughts are out there in internetland.

Currently, I’m running B&W 804 D3. I was running them with a 200 wpc integrated and I bought this Anthem set because it was sold to me for a really good price. I’m just not cranking up the volume.  I’ve owned several B&Ws and have found them to be weak in bass.  Improvement has been marginal over succeeding series.

Thanks in advance!

US; odd living/dining combo approx 13 x 30 ft; vaulted ceiling - 8 ft on low end; 15 higher end.; Classical, pop, EDM, folk/C&W.


@maxdukecapone I commented above that the size of the OP's room might be better suited to Sopra No3 over Sopra No2.  How do you find the native bass output from your No3's ?  What is your opinion on No2 v. No3 for the OP's room?

Anthem specs the amp at 550W at 2-ohm impedance so the STR will drive any speaker without any issues. When the impedance dips below 4-ohm you need lots of current and the STR provides that in spades.

My 803 D3 also sounded light. Nothing helped except adding two JL Audio subs. Much better. Even made the soundstage seem larger.

Erik mentioned off-axis oddities limiting the sweet spot. The measurements may suggest that, but in my room that is definitely not the case. Huge soundstage. Imaging is superb. The speakers disappear better and I'm hearing a larger, more stable sweet spot than any speakers I've owned.