I used to run Audience AU24se+ USB cable in my system and it was fantastic. I expect the FrontRow to be even better. Unfortunately I need 1.5m and in that length the Reserve is more than I want to spend on a digital cable.
@audphile1 Just now I just happened to be reading an Inakustik cable review from a couple of years ago, and the reviewer quite liked their USB- I know we can't demo everything, but kind of perked my curiousity as he also went through AU24 and Diamond. Pasted below are a couple of highlights:
"...For perspective, here are the USB aftermarket cables I’ve actually auditioned in my system: Audience AU24 SE; AudioQuest Cinnamon, Coffee and Diamond; Belkin Gold; Cardas Clear; and Wireworld Starlight 7. All of these beat stock USB cables handily, but I ended up with the Stealth Audio USB-T Select. ....
..The Stealth USB was slightly laid back, while the Inakustik High Speed USB was ever so slightly forward. Generally, I prefer slightly laid back, in part because of my room setup, which is set up “width-wise,” so the listening width is greater than the listening depth. Nonetheless, despite the slightly more forward presentation, I found myself more drawn into the music with the Inakustik. However, I had a hard time identifying exactly why. When I listened for specific qualities, such as tonality, soundstage, detail, dynamic range, etc., I was not able to readily discern any major difference in any of those particular aspects of the presentation. Gradually, I realized that I had just a bit “more” in every aspect of the Inakustik, and that the cumulative combined difference was a more realistic and engaging “live” presentation. This was especially true of good live recordings, where the combination of performer placement and excellent detail resulted in a phenomenal ability to focus either on individual performances, on the performance as a whole, or a combination of your own choosing. All of this for about 25% of the cost of an excellent USB cable that I had selected after extensive comparison testing. Very impressive."