@symphonicsoul Did I say the Aurender N100 DIDN'T aggravate the issue? It is worse with the resonance compared with what I had before, a NUC PC-based system. A very modest PC-based system. So the N100 was amazing in terms of dynamics and resolution... a clear step up... (I'm not sure about soundstaging, I use mainly headphones and have an acoustically compromised modest speaker system) but also made the ear resonance worse. I want to keep it, though for its strengths.
I think the issue is more the DAC, because even with the N100, DACs vary in the amount of the resonance they have and some have none. I tried a Terminator this year and it had no resonance. (I thought it was too aggressive on leading edges, though, and returned it). The Gustard X20 Pro, the DAC I had at the time I got the Aurender, seems to be the worst of any I tried. I've since sold it and now I'm testing out the Gustard A26. It's okay, a tolerable amount of resonance, and a great DAC. Better than the x20 Pro. I also am holding out hope that I can solve the resonance. So I'm willing to take a little risk with a little resonance.
I wasn't a talented musician at the time. Since then I've gotten interested in composing and piano improvisation. I'm still working on those things (fairly beginning at improvisation in classical styles) but these new interests have reconnected me with music at a much deeper level.