Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?

Hi, All,

I recently posted about adding a DDC to my DAC (Pontus II 12th, Hermes). I know I need to sync the 2 to make sure I have the right settings. My question is does anyone know if I can rust test tones through Qobuz?


If not what is the best, simplest way to access test tones through my streamer or CD player even as I will have both running through the Hermes (CD via Coax, streamer via USB)?


Thanks, All!


Thank you @fthompson251!


Up and running! It worked first try!!


Totally need help on this!! I took my Toslink connect out of Pontus and connected to Hermes (Brennan B2). I took my Coax out of Pontus and into Hermes. I toggled between the connections on Hermes and neither will play???? Does Hermes not apply with these other 2 connections?? Should they just go direct to Pontus??



I have an Elite CD carousel (Coax) and Brennan B2 (Toslink). Is Hermes just for the 1 component (Streamer using USB)? Totally confused

No, all connections should work, I suggest you unplug the Hermes and plug it back in to reboot it. You change them while it was "live?"

Thank you for the quick reply! No I don’t think it was live? 

will I need to hit the Coax and Optical selections on the Hermes when switching components?

Or do I do it on Pontus? Or should Pontus be left totally alone at this point?