never heard them, but this excerpt addresses your question, quoting Charles Hanson:
"But you know, time has a way of sorting things out. I believe that the Avalon will be one of a handful of products from its time that will stand up in the years to come. Look at the 1950s—as far as we've come, there are still a select few loudspeakers that could make you happy today: the Klipschorns, Altec A7s, KLH 9s, original Quads... Think about it—if I told you that you could only have one system for the rest of your life and it consisted of a Marantz 7, a Marantz 8B, and a pair of Quads, could you be happy? I could. That stuff sounds good, looks good—there's integrity to the design. I'd like to think the Avalon will be remembered like those products."