The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


Problem with online is that they replace originals with "remasters". There is no way to get the original recording. So hold on to your media.

Do you have an opinion on machine learning and AI replacing musicians and actors in the generation of new content? … and its effect on culture.

As said our most celebrated Canadian thinker perhaps with deep understanding the medium is the message which means any understanding of media staying external in his grasp of the media will go nowhere .


Any media beginning with writing or more deeper abrupt way the passage from orality directly to a real alphabet with no religious meanings associated with the letters of voyell and consonants as in the Greek case imply a redefinition of the internal ratio of the senses, then a redefinition of "sensis communis" or common sense (which means way more than the trivial popular expression common sense) a redistribution of the perceptive orchestra inside the body (his natural synesthesia state ).


Now if we look at the A.I. impact on societies and individuals, it will be catastrophically abrupt, deep, and sudden, and will go deeper than writing or even the alphabet impact on oral society.

The notion of soul and spirit with the body is a threefold concepts coming to us from the Greeks directly. If today we only have a computing body in the mind of the paid slaves working engineers of corporations (bigger than most nations ) we must see that it is a change never seen in the history of human species..

The stages of this journey go through the lost of two components of the human trinity, i will not explained all this here, it is enough to enumerate the main stages phases: from the Latin church council of 869 to nominalism, to industrialization of capitals and works, to materialism, to techno-cultism which equate man with his body alone but computing..

Rest assure that A.I. is introduced right now in a social fabric completely ill on earth, unable to understand itself trough concepts corresponding to his true workings , on the brink of war.

The effect of A.I. from total control of all flows , money, information and humans will be reduction of the spirit and soul in all arts to esthetically beautifully inhuman discourse which will makes us more robotic than our actual day to day robotic ego. Goethe knew it and see it coming as Shelley, as Rudolf Steiner, as Marshall McLuhan all in their own way and many others As Gunther Anders and even Heidegger and Husserl etc .


Music speak to our body about soul and spirit, A.I. speak in bits from the Babel pits where we are going because we dont understand our social fabric at all divided as animals between absurd polarities as left /right generated consciously for the first time by the genius social designer of the hive which main aspects are called today markets, (containing capitalism , communism , fascism in ovo )...

it is the work of Bernard Mandeville whom no one know today even if he created the unconscious concept in 1720. ( his name is not even in the best book about the unconscious history, i know because i bought it in 1976 : Henri Ellenberger "the story of the unconscious" )

Our new generations did not in many case even how to know cursive letters, they types on keyboard.

Many teachers are so idiotic they dont even understand the meaning of writing in the neurological stages development important as walking and even more because this gesture touch the more conscious aspects of the expressing ego in formation .

i will stop here ...

A.I. may be fun but not so much for me.

Technology is not neutral because it has a life of his own , especially a technology related as a cult in North America especially.

I am no luddite and i am delighted by the way to own a computer to read all human thinking and hear alll musics from all places and times...

But techno cultism dominate an ill society unconscious of what it is to live in a threefold multipolar social fabric with no right conceptual understanding of it and his reduction to a machine for mass control...

The metaphor with audio is immediate, people are divided between subjectivist and objectivist without even have a clue about acoustics and psycho-acoustics reduced to the purchase of wall acoustic panels at best after 100 upgrades ...




Actually, AI opens up possibilities in music we don't even know exists.

I haven't used physical media in a few years and don't miss the clutter one bit.