Front Row Seat Power Cord?

I’m looking for a quality power cord that tends to create a perspective that is more “front row” than “mid-hall”, without being thin or overly bright.  I’ve been looking at reviews, and the two that seem to pop up in this regard are the DH Labs Red Wave, and the Purist Audio Jade. Any other ideas?





I can't believe a post like this is getting replies like this. I thought we were here to educate people, and not perpetuate the snake oil marketing jargon that is absolutely destroying this hobby. Anyone who thinks a power cable changes your sound either doesn't know any better, or is willfully ignorant to objective facts and science.


If the OP is still around, please ignore anyone here trying to persuade you to 'upgrade' your power cable to improve your sound. These people would also have you believe that there are speaker cables that 'sound better' than the cheapest 12AWG OFC cables you can find. They don't. They're lying, or their own confirmation biases are taking over. The brain can be fooled easily, as evidenced by the replies here. Take the money you save from common sense and spend it on upgrades that actually do something.

I have good experience on cables so I will recommend Kimber pc below $500. 

My friends and I prefer GroverHuffman Pharaoh and Empress power cables.  Typically, my friends have 6 cables (I have 9) in our systems depending on amount of equipment.  His site partially explains the unique and patented design (he wrote and submitted his own patent).  Brilliant, complex and different.  Equally great cables can cost 10X more such as Masterbuilt and Westminster Labs.