Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


@jmkrajnik so sorry about your friend. Wishing him/her smooth treatment. Thank you for taking time to respond. 

$700 is a ridiculously great bargain, BUT only if they work properly.  Test them before purchasing or you’ll end up with a headache 

"one more: find something that someone wants where the speakers are from where you are."

It's Alabama, he would have to bring indoor plumbing and electricity...😆

Seriously, why would you say something like that?  Its not funny, its not.  It reflected horribly on you.  Whether you see that or not.  pos

If you’re addressing me, calm yourself, it’s called a joke. Quite the overreaction on your part, especially the pos addition. I have many friends from Alabama. Good, decent folk. When I lived down there we would often have good natured bantering like this. I was the damn Yankee. You should have heard what I got. It was not mean spirited nor malicious. Unless someone said "Bless your heart", then you know you went too far. If you are from Alabama, I meant no harm and I wish you a merry and blessed Christmas. And quit trying to get your sister under the mistletoe.