Doozy of an amp question

Still looking for my eternal love.

A forever amp. At least for now. I cannot try them out in my system as they are both beasts and it would be a nightmare getting them, paying for an audition and then returning them

I am having to go on instinct.

I have narrowed it down to two very different kinds of amps at two very different price points. And I have chosen these two because of reviews in magazines and the positive comments here and on other forums.


My pre is an Arc Ref 10 and my speakers are Dalis.

I am look at a tube Mc 1502 which I can afford right now or a Sim 861 for which I would have to wait to save for.

I realize it’s tube vs SS but both have their positives and a SS can have tube like characteristics which I like.


I’ve heard Mcintosh and liked it a lot but never heard this model.

I’ve never heard Sim but the reviews and comments about the 861 have been absolutely rhapsodic. And somebody whose opinion I trust said Sim is an excellent brand. But is this a flavor of the month model?


Has anybody heard both these amps. Any thoughts, opinions, advice?




I haven’t heard the specific amps but I have owned McIntosh C2600/MC 302 and currently Moon /Simaudio 791/860A V2. 

The Moon is more dynamic and detailed than McIntosh in my opinion. It was an upgrade to me. 

I believe the Moon amp sounds ‘close’ to Audio Research Amps - I didn’t want to deal with tubes  

Ultimately follow your ears  Mc will have resale and the Moon has a 10 year warranty (neither will leave you high and dry)



I've herd the Mc but not the Sim. Your price point is some where around 17-22K  based on the retail of these amps?  

You have a Ref 10- arguably the best preamp ARC made on of the best every built by anyone. Your sound signature will come from that preamp and then your speakers. The power amp is 3rd on the totem pole. 

I'd give serious consideration to a pair of ARC Ref 250SE used. You can get them in great shape for 12K if you can manage a little negotiation. 

A Ref 160s for 12K would be a good option as well.

If your preamp was a lesser mortal other amps may be helpful but your preamp is the Formula 1 of automobiles so you need to performance match to it. ARC is designed to perform best with it's own family. 

The REF10 will pair very nicely with PASS Labs amps.  My mono blocs never make it out of Class A operation.  



Dali Epicon 8.

I understand the OP has an issue with fan noise on the big ARC amps. 

Without demos, buying is risky and resale value is always consideration.  That said, few folks buy HiFi gear looking forward a 'flip'.

Mac has a following, but it seems that Mac is a 'love it or not' brand, with little middle ground.  I would definitely demo this Mac...

I agree that ARC will be a synergistic, high SQ choice.  Perhaps you live close enough to a dealer to arrange a demo. 


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