Bluesound Node Icon

I currently use Bluesound products because of their multiroom capabilities. 

In my main system I have a bluesound node N130 hooked up to a Mcintosh D1100 preamp dac.

Thinking about buying the new Node Icon but I would be by-passing the built in dual dacs so I am not sure if there is any reason to upgrade to the ICON?

If anyone knows the new ICON and can give me some advice I would appreciate it.

Ag insider logo xs@2xefoo

After about 20 hours of run time in a an A/B comparison the new Icon DAC section is much improved over last gneration NODE, However little SQ improvement if using an external DAC (Marantz Ruby SACD with matching Ruby integrated amp, T+A 300 speakers, and Rel S510). The display and build quality for the Icon are nice. The Teddy Pardo power supply I installed on the NODE is a better buy for quality IMO.   

That's good to hear about the Icon being so good.   I had a feeling it would  be a decent package

I'm in a similar boat, N130, external DAC, easy decision to stay with N130.

I added the LHY LPS and DH Labs USB and ethernet cables, as well as SmoothLan from Stack Audio. Sounds great, no intention of upgrading anytime soon.

Reference is an analogue source at more than 10X the cost. 

Moonwatcher - How did you determine there is a better power supply in the icon?


To my ears it is obvious that the Node Icon is a better streamer than the Node 2i. This is using a Denafrips Pontus 12th as a DAC. It was obvious immediately for me. The DAC in the Icon is pretty good too. It is close to being the overall quality level as the Pontus. So far it's more of a flavor thing with the two DACs. I just did hook the Pontus up to the Icon. It's different but does not blow away the Icon using it's own DAC. I've only used a Node 2i as a streamer so I can't compare the Icon to other brands of streamers.