Doozy of an amp question

Still looking for my eternal love.

A forever amp. At least for now. I cannot try them out in my system as they are both beasts and it would be a nightmare getting them, paying for an audition and then returning them

I am having to go on instinct.

I have narrowed it down to two very different kinds of amps at two very different price points. And I have chosen these two because of reviews in magazines and the positive comments here and on other forums.


My pre is an Arc Ref 10 and my speakers are Dalis.

I am look at a tube Mc 1502 which I can afford right now or a Sim 861 for which I would have to wait to save for.

I realize it’s tube vs SS but both have their positives and a SS can have tube like characteristics which I like.


I’ve heard Mcintosh and liked it a lot but never heard this model.

I’ve never heard Sim but the reviews and comments about the 861 have been absolutely rhapsodic. And somebody whose opinion I trust said Sim is an excellent brand. But is this a flavor of the month model?


Has anybody heard both these amps. Any thoughts, opinions, advice?




I own a Zesto Bia 120 amp, and it is my favorite in a long life of many power amps. I find it has a clarity balanced by a smidge of warmth that really works on the wide range of music I listen to daily. 

You may find a used Bia 120, which you can get upgraded inexpensively. Or try out the newer, more versatile Bia 200. 

Zesto deserves more attention than it gets. I’m all in - phono section, pre amp and amp. But I ran the amp with the very good PS Audio BHK hybrid preamp, and that combo worked great, too.


I don't know about a lot of these amps but pairing AR products likely makes a lot of sense.  Outside of that something like a Mac seems like something of a sound favorable to you, but get one in your house with return privilege if you don't like it, same with anything else.  Also, when you're quibbling around about something at the $22K level there's an ocean of good stuff thereabouts or for less.  You do not want to end up in regret mode when you could be in happy value mode.  Regardless, what do you really think about someone telling you something at that price point is 25% better than something else?  I'm sure you've heard of diminishing returns, and that ain't it.  Something is wrong there.  Good luck with your quest.  

If you’re spending that kind of moola I would strongly consider taking a trip to where XYZ gear is sold, or visiting an audiophile who would be willing to host for an hour or two. If you fly, give yourself at least a day or two to recover your hearing.

I would not trust the review of any audiophile, no matter how famous they are, whether they write for a well established magazine, webzine, or make Youtube videos. I have met very few people whose tastes are similar to mine. Listening for yourself is essential.

But ... if you are not familiar with the sonics of different families of amplifiers ... Class AB transistor, Class A transistor, push-pull pentode, push-pull direct-heated triode, single-ended direct-heated triode (SET), Class D MOSFET, and Class D GanFET, you need to get familiar with the sonics and how well they match with your favorite type of speaker.

The name brand is not important, at all, compared to the amplifier class and how well it is designed. It’s like a good dinner at a quality restaurant: you need good ingredients (parts quality), a good recipe (the circuit design), and a chef with good taste (the actual designer, not the manufacturer). If you like a fantastic steak, don’t go to a vegetarian restaurant, and vice versa.

I mean these days you can get used the Ayre monos MX R for a good price or a VAC 200iq for half of that. The problem is no auditions. You are flying on comments, reviews, reputation and the seat of your pants.

Of course I would prefer not to spend this kind of money or even deal with these kind of weights.

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