current and ex-Sonus faber & McIntosh integrated amp (combo) owners - question for you

Do you drive your sonus faber speakers with a steady-state integrated amp with autoformers or with the direct-coupled integrated amps?

I'd like to buy either the MA8950 or MA352 and while the specifications are available online, to compare, I don't really know what that entails in terms of sound quality :-) 

I'd like to drive the Sonetto VIII G2 with them. My dealer has the MA252 and MA7200 to compare and drove the Sonetto III G2 with them. He doesn't have the other models. For my room, the larger speakers make sense and so I'd like to make an informed decision. I already placed the order for MA352 but I am doubting myself; I do have the option to cancel that and order the MA8950, though. 

I know there are tons of arguments out there on autoformers vs direct-coupled but I really wanted to hear directly from the owners. Thank you. 


@jastralfu - I hear you about the MA9500 @ 300 watts. $12K is within my budget BUT I am weary about spending so much without first seeing it or hearing it. I'm on the hunt for more dealers now and am awaiting some call-backs to see if they have the MA9500 in-stock for me to demo. It really seems to be a once-in-a-lifetime purchase. Even if I upgrade my speakers in the future, this powerhouse of a unit will light them up, I think. 

@fplopes - I've heard elsewhere that tube-amps and even hybrids, with tubes in the pre-amp section, give out a humming sound - which apparently, isn't a new thing! And people are OK with it :) So, I am sold on the autoformers, I think :)

@oddiofyl MA8950 @200 watts for EA-III is a bit much, isn't it? The website recommends an amp in the 35-125W range. Or are you also saying what @jastralfu is saying - you have more meat up-front to drive your speakers -- the more power, the better ability of the speakers to drive --- music? 



I have auditioned the MA 8950, which I liked; I went the separate route, though, with a pair of MC611s and C2700. I like the power that the 611s convey. If I had to do it over again, I would have gone with the MA12000 for simplicity. 

If you are deciding between the 8950 and 9500, I would go with the higher power. To my liking (maybe not yours), I have noticed an increase in the "body" of music presented as you move up the Mac line with additional power. 

The 8950 is a good match with the Amator III.  Those speakers need clean power and you'll see that with most content played at generous volumes the meter barely hits 20 watts.   

Got the EA3 - waiting on the 8950!! 
The Sonetto VIII might be a future project, later this year. I’m continuing to research the research on integrateds vs separates. I wish there were a dealer nearby who could help me patiently audition the various options haha