Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?

I'm curious why you still play CDs in the age of streaming. I recently got back into CD listening and I'm curious if your reasons align with mine, which are:

  • Enjoying the physical medium—the tactile nature of the case, the disc, the booklet, etc.
  • Forcing myself to actually listen to an album, versus being easily distracted by an algorithm, or "what's next" in my playlist.
  • Actually owning the music I purchase, versus being stuck with yet another monthly subscription.



Streaming is great for the several reasons mentioned above. I continue to play CDs because I like too. 

Now, that I have finally upgraded the digital side of my audio system to a Jay's Audio dedicated cd transport and a Mojo Audio Mystique X-24AM R2R dac, I am really enjoying my cd collection and hearing what it is capable of.

At some point, I may get into streaming, but currently not in a rush to do so.  If I do get into streaming, it will be for the sole purpose of discovering more music.

Oftentimes, when I witness people listening to music via streaming, they just bounce from one song to another.

I really enjoy listening to an entire recording, in the manner in which the artist had envisioned and wished for it to be listened to.  Maybe I am this way as I have been dedicated to listening to vinyl records for over 50 years and with vinyl I always listen to the entire album.

Best wishes,


Oftentimes, when I witness people listening to music via streaming, they just bounce from one song to another.

@no_regrets On the contrary, when I find a song I like I tend to not only explore the rest of the songs on that album but also other albums from that artist because they’re all right there. In addition, similar artists in the genre also pop up, which gives me even more music to explore. You might not be in a rush to try streaming, but I will tell you my only regret about streaming is that I didn’t start sooner. By all means be in a rush to start streaming — you have no idea what you’re missing until you start, and it’s nothing short of a reawakening.

Having rare and/or cd recordings not available on streaming services is not a valid reason for failure to stream. One can rip that music to storage and/or continue to maintain a cd transport while at the same time streaming.


One doesn't have to listen differently to streams vs cd, a good streaming setup can deliver as good or better sound quality than cd playback.


With over 3K cd's I found myself getting bored with such a limited choice, as others have mentioned streaming has given me a much wider perspective on music from all genres and so many more artists than even 20K or whatever number of cd's would allow. And then  you can put on shuffle play from your entire streaming library, such amazing diversity in one listening session! As far as I'm concerned streaming is the golden age of audio, never considered cd's the golden age, IMO vinyl was the true golden age prior to streaming. Still maintain my vinyl setup, cd transports long gone, never to return.

@soix  When I said "Oftentimes, when I witness people listening to music via streaming, they just bounce from one song to another."  I didn't mean it to sound as if ALL people steam that way.  Hence the reason I put "oftentimes".

I just didn't want to fall into that "camp" if I were to start streaming at some point.  I admit, I have a lot to learn about streaming.  All of the in's and out's of it, etc.  I would like to think that I would utilize the streaming services as you do, if I ever get up the gumption to start down that road.

Best wishes,
