Detail has to be defined first. Detail to me is Resolution. Nothing wrong with seeking higher resolution in music. The most important factor in music is rhythm, pace, timing of sound. Without it, there is no music. Next one can choose from an assortment of preferences, tonal balance, warmth/body, openness/3 dimensional sound, transient response (leading/trailing edge speed), frequency response, etc. etc.
I prefer a reproduction of sound which is emotionally connecting me to the music. So, detail/resolution is by it's nature potentially exploring the minutiae of a performance, the subtleties of the performance which engage both my emotion and intellect. The purpose of listening to music for me is to connect to it emotionally first though, so resolution is a byproduct of better music reproduction. I listen to much acoustically recorded music (pre-1925) and often connect to the performance despite the rudimentary recording quality. I just heard a Suzanne Adams 1902 recording on the Marston CD label that blew me away in it's sound quality. Almost sounded like she was in the room singing to me (I do have excellent high end gear).