@lalitk You mentioned that DSD "is currently only available as downloads".
I guess that was a reference to streaming! There are over 6,000 SACDs listed at Presto Music if you like classical and jazz.
I find it interesting that PCM bit-depths are multiples of 8, as in 16, 24 and 32-bits. This is more to do with computing than audio. Around about 1970, computer designs started to coalesce on 8-bit bytes. An eight bit byte can take 256 values, sufficient to hold a character from upper- and lower-case Latin alphabets, numbers and many other symbols.
Fast forward 20 years and the need to incorporate Asian and other language symbols forced an expansion from 8-bits - amazingly it was lifted to 16-bits! This immediately doubled the storage, processing and bandwidth required for text, but meant 256 times as many symbols could be represented.
Similarly, each eight bits added to the PCM bit depth in theory gives 256 times the number of distinct sound pressure levels that can be encoded, and conversely need to be decoded. In my opinion, many DACs struggle with 16-bits, in particular ensuring that each recorded increase in sound level results in a monotonic increase on playback. This is particularly difficult when several bits switch off and a higher bit switches on.
One solution is the delta-sigma approach which in effect locally converts PCM into DSD.