A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.

Specifically I am searching for those speakers possessing a relatively flat 8ohm impedance curve and a true (8ohm) 92db sensitivity that are at a cost of $5000 USD.

I currently own Fritz Carbon 7s SE  MK2. 


I apologize @aricaudio for some undeserved harsh words and criticism written above. Every member here is an artist and an expert in design and they have incredibly high standards.


It’s really not that hard to make a speaker look a li’l better. In this case, he could have just moved the ports to the back or resorted to some slot design or whatever (two gaping holes in the front which look like that orifice takes away aesthetic appeal).

Let’s see....not sure why he wouldn’t do a vertically stacked MTM with just 2 mids....and a swept back facet on that fat front baffle (it would also take care of diffraction errors). Such things could also increase performance and aesthetic appeal.

Maybe, it’ll happen in a version 2.0 eh?



If Aric speakers price is $8695 , there will a lot of competition on this price.I have not heard them. I hope Aric will bring them to Axpona.

@deep_333 I don't know how easy it is to design a speaker to look better by moving things around. I assume those drivers are there for a reason? 

You do realize it's a small shop with an incredible selection of amps - for its size. 


Those speakers from Aric are function-first speakers from what I see, and its possible bright lighting in the product photos could be a little more complimentary.

Agree with @immatthewj if they sound great with how the drivers are configured now, and the looks really bother you or a spouse hates them - someone could make a set -or- ask Aric about providing some magnetic grill covers for them, maybe. Just pull them off for those who get ocd about grillecovers on while listening. I’d rather have the driver configuration that sounds the best over looks as a first priority.