Linear power supply for Weiss DAC 204

Looking to upgrade from Chord Qutest with the Weiss Dac 204.  The Weiss comes with an ac adapter, brick or an external power supply that plugs into the wall. I am seeking to upgrade to a linear power supply. My top two choices are as follows:

  1. S Booster  Linear Power supply (About $450.00).
  2. Modwright Linear Power Supply (About $1000.00

Has anybody heard either of these? Dos the Modwright sound better than the S Booster? I currently have a LHY power supply on my Qutest and a S Booster on my Lumin U2 mini.  Each reduces the noise which in turn improved the sound.

Thank you. 


I agree, it’s difficult to assign a number or percentage of improvement. I guess I look for the “wow” factor if I’m purchasing a new piece of equipment. In other words, is the difference in what I’m hearing worth the cost - ROI from a sonic perspective. 

I wouldn’t overthink this.  You’ve clearly heard significant benefits with your current LPS units so would spending double really get you that much more?  I don’t know but call me very skeptical.  I’d stick with Teddy Pardo, SBooster, or LHY as they’re all well-proven, high-value products where you really can’t go wrong.  Best of luck. 

I’m with @audphile1 

Teddy Pardo is the only company I have dealt with and I like the product and their service.

All the best.

Think about what a LPS does compared to most below average PSs. Although I have a 20 amp dedicated line and a CorePower 1800 PC. I got a huge leap when I added VeraFI Black Hole Vibration controls (I replaced the unstable cones with balls) and another huge leap when I added their Snubway into my Corepower. If you don’t already have HQ PLC consider their combination of Snubway, Mainstream Master class or ACE Power Package