with PSVane Horizon’s in my Backert Labs preamp. I am very pleased with the results.
@markmuse +1.
My Mazdas sound a bit more fuller. But someone can attribute that as "warm" compared to the Psvane Horizons, which have a tighter bass.
@markmuse +1. My Mazdas sound a bit more fuller. But someone can attribute that as "warm" compared to the Psvane Horizons, which have a tighter bass. |
@milpai I have the Mazda's too, but haven't tried them in the Backert. Thanks for the info.
Just found this discussion. I have a Mac MA352 I’ve been waiting for them to finish building and have read at least one person here with a big improvement replacing stock 12AT7 & 12AX7 with PSVANEs. Chinese tubes on Amazon at $50/pair, matched. They look a lot like the Ray Tubes which are 4-5x that. Anyone know anything about this, and I’d also like to know where Macintosh gets their rebranded tubes. |
My Atmasphere monoblocks originally used 12AT7s as input tubes, which means they were responsible for most of the voltage gain across the whole circuit. At that time, I purchased a wide variety of different brands of 12AT7, to determine which sounded the best. The first finding is that it made a considerable difference; different 12AT7s sounded different. The surprising finding is that a Chinese variant sounded the best. In those days, there was a tube vendor operating in the UK called "Billington". Their top of the line 12AT7 was called "Billington Gold", made in China. I compared it to Mullard, GE, Sylvania, and some other NOS types. Billington Gold were the best sounding by far. The bad news is that they had a short life span in the amplifier circuit. This saga played out in the late 90s or early 2000s. I think Billington the vendor is no more. |