Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?

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I power my CD transport with clean AC energy from its own nuclear reactor.  I use a small nuclear reactor for each component to keep the AC current cleaner.  😏

Interestingly I have access to a couple of Sony universal disc transports, which handle CD, SACD, DVD, BluRay and Ultra BluRay.  Each transport has two HDMI outputs, one purely for audio.  

Each is powered by a 12-Volt wall wart, so it would be very easy to substitute a 12-Volt car battery for the mains supply and do some A / B comparisons.

What objections are likely to be raised by the community, a) if there is no clear audible difference or b) if a clear audible difference is reported?

Doesn't amperage play a part in this? I also don't see the correlation between changing the power source with changing the power cord.