@jbhiller Easy to see superiority of that build to off the shelf version. I used to build custom streamers based on Mac Mini's, each more sophisticated than previous builds. Now using custom build based on ATX/Windows motherboard running Euphony operating system, JCAT ATX LPS, . Based on my experience adding a quality LPS will be well worth it.
I leaned about diy custom builds, research via audiophilestyle.com forum. In face offs custom builds often surpass many of the well known off the shelf streamers, custom builds reach as far as the Taiko clones.
Not surprising another report of Sense app superior to Roon with Innuos. Innuos design philosophy dictates music player app that requires less processor resources than Roon. Roon with all it's features is a relatively heavy user of processor resources, working a processor hard means more self generated noise on motherboards, Roon works best with low latency steamer designs.