Footers for Esoteric SA50 CD-SACD Player

I'm a happy owner of an Esoteric SA50 player. Esoteric is outfitted with three footers. Has anyone here had any better success with other third party footers under their Esoteric gear? I'm looking for a little more warmth.
Frontier1-you need to experience on placement, but I don't think they (Cerapucs) will give you warmth. Detail, resolution, low level detail - but, I don't think warmth. A tighter, overall presentation - I think so.

Maybe your rig isn't broken in yet - or you are using bright cables? Are you using balanced or single ended out (not sure if your rig has both). Also, what power cord, interconnects, preamp, speakers are you using? The SA50 is very revealing. It also takes 400 or so hours of break in.

I'm using Nirvana Digital power cord, Audio Note RCA and my speakers are Avantgarde Grossos. I'm very happy with my phono set up in the system. I'll do some more break in as well as experimenting with footter placement. Some excellent advice here, thanks! Digital can be a bit tricky to adjust.
Frontier1-which audionotes? If they are silver (not copper), I would try swapping to a copper pair. Those are amazingly revealing speakers. I'm not saying that they will reveal the lack of warmth in the Esoteric, as it does not lack warmth, but, rather, the IC cables are rather lean.
I would also really try to use the balanced outs on the SA-50. Balanced does sound better on that player. Hopefully, your preamp or intergrated has balanced inputs? You should be able to get a pair to audition from a few sources.
I found the SA50 a little on the cool side in my system. swapped out my usual Oyaide Tsunami PC (used the stock cable from my PS3 which sounded pretty good..go figure!), put some sorbathane feet under and used a power conditioner to clean up the power supply. All helped quite a lot, especially the power conditioner.
The best is Still Point Compponent Rack (9 inch, 4 legs). A bit expensive but will allow SA-50 to show its potential in full (of course, coupled with high quality power cord)