Mystery with woofers. Help!

I am the proud second owner of three-way, sealed design, YG Hailey 1.2’s, and have enjoyed them immensely. They make plenty of articulate bass, provided that the recording is up to snuff. The bass is supplemented by one Rythmik sub, crossing over at 50hz.

Over time, I have noticed almost zero excursion/movement from the woofers so last night I decided to get down and put my ear/hand up to the woofers and it seems like NOTHING is coming out of them, even at pretty high playback levels. Again, my curiosity was not piqued by a lack of bass during listening, but rather, the lack of any visible movement from the woofers. Am I missing something? Fwiw, I am feeding the YG’s with Pass X260.8 monos, connected to the upper speaker terminals. Thoughts?


Remember that jumpers are part of the speaker cable line and get good ones.  I replaced standard stamped metal jumpers with cyro treated strand jumpers and it made a big difference.

To add to what @boxcarman said, I prefer attaching the speaker cables to the upper binding posts which drive the mids, tweeters where most of the music lives. then make sure the bass is still good, which is should be if your jumpers are well made. swap into the bottom taps and make sure there is no significant change in the bass; there shouldn’t be, then leave them plugged into the top. All that said, I’d call it a good practice and likely in a blind test you can’t tell the difference (with good jumpers).


low bass is the most power hungry

what model sub?

what amp(s)?

at issue is whether you send ALL frequencies to the amp and it then continues to makes low bass (ignore the speakers for a moment) or if you 'offload' low bass to the sub and then everything else above that to the amp, then to the speakers.

at issue is whether

1. the amp tries to make low bass or if a self-powered sub makes it's own low bass

2. all frequencies prior to sub crossover, jumpers in place: if the signal contains all frequencies, then the woofers will still be trying to make low bass

or, low bass removed by sub crossover, jumpers in place, the woofers only try to produce upper bass. the sub's adjustable crossover is of importance here.