Can anyone make my Modwright XA777ES play SACD?

My sad tale is that I bought a used Modwright Sony XA777ES with full platinum mods, and it stopped playing SACDs about 18 months ago. It plays CDs beautifully.

Dan Wright, while a very nice guy, is too busy making new gear and doing new mods to fix it himself.

So I took it to a local audio repair place here in Portland Oregon, and they were useless. They kept it for four months, telling me the laser was backordered, then when I finally got it, it played CD's but not SACD's. After profuse apologies they kept it for another two months. This time it played SACDs for one day then it stopped playing them.

Now, when I put in an SACD, it does the following: It reads SACDs (takes forever) and plays them, but there's no audible output. The clock runs, the track display works, but there's no sound out the speakers or the headphones. Of course, it still plays CDs and sounds great playing them.

I'm not going back to Inner-so..(oops, almost mentioned the name of the local place that couldn't figure out in two tries over six months how to make it work...), and it still nags me that I have a handful of SACDs that I can't play, and it bothers me to walk past the SACD section of my local store (especially when people rave so hard about the medium).

So...anyone out there have any advice? Anyone know someplace that will fix a previously modded player without charging me an arm and a leg? I'm willing to ship it if I can get some sort of reasonable guarantee that it will work when I get it back. It has (I'm told) a new laser, but that didn't seem to be enough to make it work.

Two other options:

1. Forget SACD (I'm almost there. While the player was being held hostage, I re-surged into vinyl.)
2. Buy a new player - candidly, I'd rather upgrade my phono preamp from my current Tom Evans Groove to an ASR Basis Exclusive if I were going to invest bucks in the system.

Your thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Rbirke,
I feel your pain. I too have a Modwright modded XA-777. It began having your problem years ago. At first only occasionally, then more often. I've put 2 new lasers in it then sent it to Dan for repair. He is very busy and it took a long time, but he replaced the laser again then found a damaged ribbon cable inside. We thought that was the problem, and it IS working better, but I still have to "prime" it with a CD before playing an SACD, and some of my SACDs still won't play at all. I wish I had just abandoned it and bought one of Dan's newer efforts, either the XA-5400 or the BDP-83. If you find the solution to our problem, please let me know!
Disc are DEAD, upgrade the phono preamp and enjoy all of the music instead of just "Samples". Or buy a really good DAC instead, think Berkeley, Bryston, PS Audio Perfectwave.

If you still want to play SACD's sometimes, buy an Oppo BD-83se, not near what your old player was, but every once in while to play the odd SACD you have, it's fine, and it plays every disc you could imagine.

Vinyl or digital files, that's the present, and the future.
Discs are dead? My room must be a graveyard. I will let that comment go at the risk of getting drawn into an argument ... I digress.


Sorry to hear of your problems with your player. Did you give Kurt a call at Echo HiFi? He knows most of the better repair places in Portland and he has a really skilled tech working for him now. He used to work for Dan and fixed my sick SWL 9.0 SE good as new. Good repair shops are like priests and auto mechanics - when you find a good one your life gets a whole lot easier. Given the quality of player I would seek out the repairs - maybe get a backup unit for the mean time. (Oppo BluRay?) I am still sitting in a Levinson No. 37 that will make it to Pyramid someday for the $700 laser replacement. In the mean time I picked up a Wadia 23 and a Sony NS9100ES - I couldnt be happier.

Yes, I have the 360S DAC with over 30,000 FLAC files available. I also have a turntable ... I still prefer my CD and SACD collection. Wonder where all those computer files came from anyway?
Discs are dead? Really? Vinyl is alive and well and CD will be around for years.


Just checked out your system .... sweet! Bet those Aerial 9's are incredible with that Cary stack. How about stepping up to a Cary SACD? I hear the 306 had a few issues but they have most of them worked out and the folks at Cary are very good to work with.

Just another thought ...